Our hands are always on display (unless you wear gloves!). You may have an amazing looking face and body, but if you neglect your hands, they can give away your age. Our hands naturally have thinner skin than the rest of the body and often have the most sun exposure relative to any other area of the body. We constantly use our hands throughout the day exposing them to UV rays, heat, cold and products for washing and sanitising. As we age, the natural loss of collagen and elastin in the skin that starts in our twenties exacerbates the ageing process on the hands.
The combination of naturally thinner skin, intense use, constant exposure and harsh products conspire to make the veins more prominent; the hands appear boney and the skin to be crepey and pigmented. The rate at which this happens depends on genetics and your lifestyle choices. A healthy diet, minimal consumption of alcohol and nicotine, and an excellent sunblock will give your hands the best possible longevity.
For some, the concern is related to the extent that they sweat. Sweaty hands can present severe lifestyle challenges, especially if you have to shake hands a lot, or work with paper or your hands. This condition is known as palmar hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating of the hands.
If your hands are letting you down, there are an number of medical interventions we can take to restore them to their youthful glory. Aesthetically, hands can be improved using hydrating dermal filler injections, mesotherapy, topical prescription skin care and/or a skin peel. Normally we will employ a combination of these treatments over a period of time to achieve an optimal rejuvenation of your hands. If excessive sweating is your concern, then a quick treatment using a prescription medication can block the ability for your hands to sweat. The duration of treatment varies from patient to patient and depends on their genetics, stress levels and daytime temperature.